Other Settings
In addition to settings found in the FinishLynx user interface windows and dialogs, Other Settings (commonly known as hidden settings) are available for advanced operations. These settings should only be modified by experienced users, as errors may lead to unexpected behavior. To access these Other settings, please contact Tech support.

Event\AutoSave - used to enable/disable auto-save when a start is added to an event (default = enabled).
- Event\Image\ExportBitmap\MaxMemory default is 32MB.
- Event\Image\ExportBitmap\ShowHash can be used to include the hash line in the exported image (rendered as a print line).
- Event\Image\IdentiLynx\AddSplits supports adding split times from the IdentiLynx images. When ON and if a "from image" laptime object exists, the IdentiLynx image panes will have the "Add Split" button as well as the ID pane and Identify by button.
- Event\Image\IdentiLynx\AlignIdL can be used to turn on the alignment lines for IdentiLynx cameras.
- Event\Image\IdentiLynx\TimeTrack can be used to enable additional time tracking events from IdentiLynx images.
Event\Image\Overlay\Lines\DrawWait - sets the max time (ms) before drawing line labels on the captured image.
- Event\Image\Overlay\Lines\DrawStop - sets a delay (ms) after image capture has stopped, before line labels appear on the image.
Event\Image\Hash\MoveCenter controls how image is centered when move the hash with the arrow keys. Set it to 50 so the hash never moves and the image slides under it, or to something like 5095050 to "bounce" to the middle when it gets near the edges. Defaults to -1 (old behavior).
- Event\Image\Hash\TrackCenter controls how image is centered when time tracking. Defaults to 50. Set to -1 for old behavior.
- Event\Image\Overlay\Directory controls the path where the overlays are loaded from.
- Note: Remember that if you do specify a path, it must end with a backslash (\).
- Event\Image\Overlay\AntiAlias\Enable controls how much blending (anti-aliasing) is done. Set to 0 to disable for all fields in all layouts. A negative value will enable blending of chromatic borders.
- Event\Image\Overlay\AntiAlias\BGLight controls the cutoff between what is considered a light face color (to be blended with black) and a dark face color (to be blended with white). The default of 128 means all stock colors are considered light, except black.
- Event\Image\Zoom\Presets list of values that controls which zoom levels are stepped through by the
buttons of the Image Zone for all image windows. The list must be comma separated, in ascending order and without whitespace. When the zoom level is outside the range of the list, default values are used.
- Note: Example - To add a 75% zoom level, enter "75". To add 75% and 150%, enter "75,100,150".
Event\Keep Errors - for internal use only. Can be used to show events that encounter errors when being opened. Not recommended during normal use. To recover image from a bad event:
- Run FinishLynx and boot cameras exactly as they were booted when the event was captured. Configure all settings (rate, height, pixel format, etc.)
- Create an event and save it. If cameras are still running, apply the correct start time.
- Replace the original event with the new .evn create in step 2.
- Open the original event, with new .evn.
- Event\Messages - controls which messages update the scoreboard.
- Event\NextEvent Controls which event gets capture, scoreboard and LapTime focus when the current event is closed. The Legacy option, the default value, maintains the behavior from previous FinishLynx versions. Options to use the newest or oldest opened event are now available.
- Event\Results\Delta\SkipSame Causes results with the same time to be skipped over when calculating the delta time.
- Event\Results\ImageCenter controls how image is shown in each pane based on the result's time.
- Legacy behavior (-1) - moves the frame of interest visible at the edge of the window.
- Simple percentage value (0-100; default = 30) - moves the frame of interest with the hash line to that percentage of the way from the beginning (lower time) of the window. The image will scroll every time a new result is requested.
- Percentage with Upper/Lower bounds - moves the frame of interest to the defined percentage, only if it falls outside of the bounds set for the window pane. This can be useful to prevent scrolling when the next frame of interest is close by. The hash line, however, will move every time.
To set the ImageCenter with Upper/Lower bounds, use this formula:
- <ImageCenter_Percentage> + (<UpperBound_Percentage>*1000) + (<LowerBound_Percentage>*1,000,000>)
- Example:
- To move the image so the hash line is in the middle of the screen (<ImageCenter_Percentage> = 50, only if it is not currently shown in the pane (<UpperBound_Percentage> = 100; <LowerBound_Percentage> = 1), set ImageCenter to 1100050 (50 + 100*1000 + 1*1 000 000).
- Event\Results\Messages - controls which messages go to every participant in the Results Zone.
- Event\Results\SelectBG controls the background color of the current selection in the Results Zone.
Event\Results\SortMethod - default to a new optimized Results Zone sort method. Can be set to the old method if needed.
- Event\SelectBG controls the background color of the current selection in the Information Zone.
- Event\ShowEvent Controls which event is displayed when the current event is closed. The Legacy option, the default value, maintains the behavior from previous FinishLynx versions, which is the most recently used event. Options to show the capture event, scoreboard event or either (capture if it exists, otherwise scoreboard) are added.
- Event\Start\Ignore Allows the user to specify how many starts should be ignored before the event accepts a start. When >0 (default), the "a" in the Event Listing is replaced by a digit to indicate how many starts will be ignored. Re-arming the event will cycle through the possible ignore values. Max value = 9.
- Event\Start\TTAdvance controls when the current start is advanced in Time Trial mode. Default = 0.
- Event\Start\TTKey allows you to change the default Time Trial start Key.
Key Value Options
- 1=blank key - start key will be blank and the remaining options in the group are ignored.
2=number key - the number of starts in the event and the remain options in the group are ignored.
4=no start key - any key already present in the start will be ignored (like the RadioLynx ID)
8=no result key - the key in the current result is ignored.
Dialog Options
- 16=never ask - the Empty Start Id dialog is never shown.
- 32=always ask - the Empty Start Id dialog is always shown.
- Results Zone Options
- 64=no advance - current result is not advanced to the next result (when the current result matches the start key.
- 128=no find - no search is done to find the result with the current start key.
- 256=no create - if the search fails, a new result will not be created.
TIP: Add values together to combine options. For example, if you have set up the User3 field and have numbered groups from 1 to n, then set this value to 210 to have all start key automatically increment from 1 with each new start.
Event\Start\TTAddToEvent allows various controls when adding a new start in Time Trial Mode.
- Event\StatusFlags Optional colored squares available in the Information Zone to indicate scoreboard (purple) and LapTime (teal) use.
- Event\Results\TrackSelection - option 2 allows you to track the selection but not jump to a split that is out of the Too Fast/Too Slow range. option 4 allows you to track the newest result line added when Create Results (LapTime Options) is checked.

- Database\File supports overriding the default names of the schedule (Lynx.sch), events (Lynx.evt) and people (Lynx.ppl) files.
- Database\File\PPLCache controls a new caching feature. The default (2000) caches the .ppl file, checks for changes every 2 seconds, and reloads it if needed. A value of 0 forces a check every time or disable the feature with a value of -1 to get the legacy behavior.
- Database\Serial\KeepAlive enables TCP Keep Alive option for the Database module (default: OFF).

- Hardware\AIC\Capture used to expand the Auto-Iris Control (AIC) gain range while capturing (default: 0). When set to >1, the gain range (Min/Max) will expand by the value set during capture. When the value is -1, the iris won't change during capture.
- Hardware\AIC\Wait allows to set an initial delay when an Auto-Iris Control (AIC) action is needed to confirm the action is still needed (default: 0). Can be used to avoid AIC action for small changes in light.
Hardware\Align2D\AEC\MinGain sets the minimun gain target for 2D-Align mode when AEC is enabled. Default = 15.
- Hardware\Align2D\AEC\MaxGain sets the minimun gain target for 2D-Align mode when AEC is enabled. Default = 25.
- Hardware\CheckMax - controls how many image blocks can be captured by the event at one time (default = 100). Can be increased if image buffers fill up too quickly to the expense of user interface responsiveness.
- Hardware\Ethernet\BindIPAddress allows to specify the NIC used to connect to cameras.
- Hardware\Ethernet\BootWaitTime can be used to change how long FinishLynx waits for a newly booted camera to be accessible at its new IP address.
- Hardware\Ethernet\CheckCalib controls the calibration check date. Set to 0 to disable or 1 to always check.
- Hardware\Ethernet\EqualTime Used to allocate more image transfer time to faster cameras. A value greater than 0 is expressed as a percentage. The default of 100 gives all cameras equal time. A value of 0 gives all cameras equal bandwidth.
- Hardware\Ethernet\IdentiLynx\BootTimeout sets the time limit FinishLynx will attempt to connect to the camera before showing an error.
- Hardware\Ethernet\IdentiLynx\CacheSize Controls how much memory is allocated to IdentiLynx images by FinishLynx. Increasing the number allows for a larger buffer and reduced frame loss.
- Hardware\Ethernet\IdentiLynx\NoiseFilter sets the IdentiLynx SR/HRS noise filter.
- Hardware\Ethernet\IdentiLynx\ResetIPAddr Resets the IdentiLynx camera IP back to after booting to avoid the camera locking onto the currently assigned number.
- Hardware\Ethernet\WhiteList comma separated list of camera hardware addresses which defines the cameras FinishLynx will boot.
- Hardware\Ethernet\BlackList comma separated list of camera hardware addresses which defines the cameras FinishLynx will ignore.
- Hardware\Focus\Precision controls the decimals shown for the Focus Helper.
- Hardware\Focus\ReportFPS Controls data appearing in the focus indicator on the main window.
- 0 = Reports focus values
- 1 = Reports frames per second
- 2 = Reports frames per second (No Drawing)
- 3+ = Reports frames per second every x ms (x is the entered value)
- -1 = Reports image transfer time
- Hardware\WhiteBalance\Buttons controls which white balance buttons are created.
- Hardware\Window\SelectBG controls the background color of the current selection in the Hardware Control window.
TIP: In addition to the standard colors (1-10) shown in the setting comments, the "dark" version of RGB and CMY are also available (11-16).
- Hardware\Window\ZoomPresets controls which zoom levels are stepped through by the
buttons of the Hardware Control window.

- LapTime\AddSplitCtrl controls whether a laptime event masked by the start mask will be saved (but deleted) or dropped. The default value of 1 keeps the first event for each participant. Setting the value to 2 will cause all events to be saved.
- LapTime\CheckMax - controls how the LapTime module transfers readings to the event. CheckMax sets the maximum number of readings before a transfer is forced (default 50).
- LapTime\CheckWait - controls how the LapTime module transfers readings to the event. CheckWait sets how long (ms) to wait after a reading to transfer the data. Set to 0 to have every reading update the Results Zone immediately. Increase for improved performance (default 500ms).
TIP: The purpose of CheckWait is to wait a little while to see if more readings come in so that fewer updates are done. Regardless of the CheckWait value, if CheckMax is reached readings will be transferred immediately.
LapTime\ESKSortMethod - default to a new optimized sort method of the Edit Split Key (ESK) dialog. Can be set to the old method or no sort if needed.
- LapTime\IdMaxSize sets the limit for the number of accepted characters in the LapTime Identification String. For example, remove the group ID from MYLAPS BibTags by setting the value to 5. This setting can be manually added to a particular LapTimer to override the global value.
- LapTime\IdStripZeros removes leading zeros from a LapTime Identification String. For example, remove the leading zeros from the MYLAPS BibTags bib number. This setting can be manually added to a particular LapTimer to override the global value.
- LapTime\IntSyncMask controls which types of events are used as sync packets when sync source is set to Internal. Applies to MYLAPS LapTime device only.
- LapTime\KeepAlive enables TCP Keep Alive option for the LapTime module (default: ON).
- LapTime\Log enables logging of LapTime status messages.
- LapTime\TimesSortBy Determines if FinishLynx considers the lap count when sorting results. A value of 0 (the default) sorts as always without any use of the lap count. A value of 1 is "Laps Major" order, meaning that participants are first sorted by lap count and then within a given lap count participants are sorted by time and then time string. A value of 2 is "Laps Minor" order, meaning that participants with time strings are all moved below participants with real times, and only the participants with real times are sorted by lap count.

- Language\Reset Determines whether certain Special Lengths and/or Event Layouts are reset when the language is changed.

- RemoteControl\KeepAlive enables TCP Keep Alive option for the Remote Control module (default: OFF).
- RemoteControl\LDP\KeepAlive enables TCP Keep Alive option for the LDP module (default: OFF).

- Scoreboards\KeepAlive enables TCP Keep Alive option for the Scoreboard module (default: ON).
- Scoreboards\SetImageFile if set, will cause FinishLynx to export to disk a copy of the image selected in the Set Scoreboard Image command.
- Scoreboards\<#>\PageMode
- 4 = no unevaluated results after any evaluation - stops tracking unevaluated results that may receive LapTime data after any results have been evaluated. Otherwise continue tracking these results when evaluated results don't require tracking. Requires PageMask=2.
- 8 = no unevaluated results - never track unevaluated results.
- 16 = no evaluated results - once any results have been evaluated, stop tracking altogether.
- 32 = wait for page time - if something changes and it is higher up in the sort order, then always wait for the current page time before paging up. Otherwise, page up immediately.
- 64 = wait only if new info - as above, but only wait if the current page includes new information.
- 128 = page down if not new info - do not wait to page down if the current page did not include new information. Otherwise, paging down always waits for the current page time.
- Scoreboards\<#>\PageMask - "show all results" shows all results all the time. Otherwise, once any results are evaluated, no unevaluated results are shown. This must be selected for PageMode=4 to be meaningful.
- Scoreboards\<#>\PortBuffer - defaults to 32,767. Previously 4095.

- WindGauge\KeepAlive enables TCP Keep Alive option for the Wind module (default: OFF).