Customizing the FinishLynx User Interface
FinishLynx can be customized to better display information or give quick access to useful functions.

Icons in the Image Tool Bar can easily be added or removed. This can be useful to easily access common functions or simplify the interface.
- To add or remove icons from the Image Tool Bar:
- Go to Image | Options... The Image tab of the Options dialog opens.
- Click the box next to an icon to add (checked) or remove (uncheck) it.
- Click Ok.
- The selected icons will appear the next time a new event is created or an existing event is opened.

Icons in the Results Tool Bar can easily be added or removed. This can be useful to easily access common functions or simplify the interface.
- To add or remove icons from the Results Tool Bar:
- Go to Results | Options... The Results tab of the Options dialog opens.
- Click the box next to an icon to add (checked) or remove (uncheck) it.
- Click Ok.
- The selected icons will appear the next time a new event is created or an existing event is opened.

The Event Window zones can be rearranged according to preset layout. The default choice is the standard FinishLynx layout, and there are five alternatives.
- To rearrange the Event Window zones:
- Go to Event | Options... The Event tab of the Options dialog opens.
- Click the radio button to select the preferred layout.
- Click Ok.
- The new layout will appear the next time a new event is created or an existing event is opened.
Information Zone | |
Results Zone | |
Image Zone |
NOTE: If you change any of the layouts through the hidden settings dialog, the layout is checked for errors, and the icon for that layout is updated. The layout icons do not normally contain any red color, but if a layout has errors in it, then the icon contains red in those portions of the screen that were rejected or left unused by the layout parser.

- To change FinishLynx to display in another language:
- Click File | Options... from the Menu Bar. The General tab of the Options dialog opens.
- From the Language:* drop-down list near the bottom of the dialog, click to select a new language from the list.
- Click Ok.
- Exit and restart FinishLynx.
- FinishLynx displays in the language you selected.

The main FinishLynx font, font size and style can be modified.
- To change the main font:
- Click File | Options... from the Menu Bar. The General tab of the Options dialog opens.
- Click and select a font from the Font:* drop-down menu.
- Click Ok.
- Exit and restart FinishLynx.
NOTE: When a font other than the default is selected, the font size can be typed in and bold style can be applied by checking the box.