Shortcuts & Mouse Functions
FinishLynx has a lot of keyboard shortcuts and mouse functions that are built to make operations quick and easy.

TIP: In addition to standard menu items, you can set shortcuts to pop-up submenus (photoeyes, overlay groups,...) as well as the various participant Status options and Pack Leader.

Menu | Modifier | Key | Command | Explanation |
File | Ctrl + | N | New | Opens a new event and Arms it to receive the next Start Signal |
File | Ctrl + | O | Open | Opens a previously saved event |
File | Alt + | O | Open Recent... | Displays a list of the most recently accessed events |
File | Ctrl + | W | Close Window | Closes the current event window – will prompt for save |
File | Ctrl + | S | Save | Saves the currently active event |
File | Ctrl + | L | Reload | Use this feature to load the latest information that the capture computer has stored in the .evn file. Useful when using Reader mode & Time Trial mode together, because starts can come in after the Reader mode computer opens the event. |
Edit | Ctrl + | Z | Undo | Undoes last editing action. |
Edit | Ctrl + | X | Cut | Cuts currently highlighted text to the clipboard |
Edit | Ctrl + | C | Copy | Copies currently highlighted text to the clipboard |
Edit | Ctrl + | Y | Paste | Pastes the contents of the clipboard |
Event | Ctrl + | A | Arm | Arms the current event to accept the next Start Signal |
Event | Ctrl + | T | Set Current Start | (Time Trial Mode) Set the current start time for on-screen running time, scoreboard running time, and LapTime event generation |
Event | Alt + | W | Manual Wind | Forces FinishLynx to get the current wind reading |
Event | Alt + | T | Toggle Capture | Switches Capture on or off dependent on current state |
Image | Ctrl + | + | Zoom In | Zoom in to the selected image pane |
Image | Ctrl + | - | Zoom out | Zoom out of the selected image pane |
Image | Ctrl + | F | Full Screen | Displays the Image data from Camera 1 full screen |
Image | Ctrl + | G | Full Screen #2 | Displays the Image data from Camera 2 full screen |
Image | Alt + | C | Crop | Crops a right-mouse-button-defined area of the image window |
Image | Ctrl + | R | Remove Overlays | Removes all overlays currently visible in the image window |
Image | Alt + | B | White Balance | Executes white balance function on current selection |
Image | Alt + | N | Line Labels | Toggles line labels |
Results | F2 | Edit Result | Enter edit mode for the selected results line | |
Results | Shift + | ArUp | Previous image | Go up one line in the results list and show relevant image |
Results | Shift + | ArDn | Next image | Go down one line in the results list and show relevant image |
Results | Shift + | ArLt | Previous split | Go to the previous split of the selected participant |
Results | Shift + | ArRt | Next split | Go to the next split of the selected participant |
Scoreboard | Alt + | I | Initialize | Sends an initialization string to clear all data from scoreboards |
Scoreboard | Alt + | R | Run | Forces display of the current Running Time |
Scoreboard | Alt + | P | Pause | Pauses the Running Time on active scoreboards |
Scoreboard | Alt + | F | Finish | Uses next beam break from photo cell to stop running time |
Scoreboard | Alt + | S | Stop | Stops the current Running Time on active scoreboards |
Scoreboard | Alt + | H | Hold Results | Pauses sending results outputs to connected scoreboards |
Scoreboard | Alt + | E | Refresh All | Refreshes data to ALL scoreboards |
LapTime | Alt + | L | Use Current Event | When multiple event windows are open simultaneously, this command will connect the scoreboard the currently active window |
Window | Alt + | # | Select Window | Brings to front the defined window number |

Zone | Modifier | Key | Command | Explanation |
Results | Shift + | PgUp | Page Up | Page Up the results list |
Results | Shift + | PgDn | Page Down | Page Down the results list |
Results | Shift + | Home | Top | Go to the top of the results list |
Results | Shift + | End | Bottom | Go to the end of the results list |
Image | PgUp | Page left | Page the image left | |
Image | PgDn | Page right | Page the image right | |
Image | Home | Beginning | Go to the beginning of the image | |
Image | End | End | Go to the end of the image | |
Image | Ctrl + | ArLt | Scroll left | Scroll move (image and hash) left |
Image | Ctrl + | ArRt | Scroll right | Scroll move (image and hash) right |
Image | Ctrl + | ArUp | Scroll up | Scroll move (image and hash) up |
Image | Ctrl + | ArDn | Scroll down | Scroll move (image and hash) down |
Image | Ctrl + | Home | Move to beginning | Move image and hash to the beginning |
Image | Ctrl + | End | Move to end | Move image and hash to the end |
Image | Ctrl + Shift + | ArLt | Page left | Page move (image and hash) left |
Image | Ctrl + Shift + | ArRt | Page right | Page move (image and hash) right |
Image | Ctrl + Shift + | ArUp | Page up | Page move (image and hash) up |
Image | Ctrl + Shift + | ArDn | Page down | Page move (image and hash) down |
Image | Alt + | Click split | Split offset | Click and drag a split line to change the time of that specific split. |
Image | Alt + Shift + | Click split | LapTimer offset | Click and drag a split line to change the offset of all splits for that specific LapTimer. |
Image (IdentiLynx) | Shift + | >> or << icon | Frame Skip | Jump over some frames forward and back |
Hardware Control (Alignment mode) | Shift + | + or - icon | Smart Zoom | Shrink to fit image to vertical size of window. In 2D mode, repeat to adjust horizontal zoom |

Zone | Modifier | Action | Command | Explanation |
Hardware Control (Power field) | Right-Click | Power options pop up | Restart or Shutdown the camera | |
Hardware Control (Mode field) | Right-Click | Mode pop up | Configure the pixel mode | |
Hardware Control (Running Time box) | Left-click | Reset | Resets running time box to 0.0 | |
Hardware Control window(White Balance Controls) | Shift + | Left-click |
Big step |
When clicking the buttons to increase or decrease white balance of a specific value, this will change the value by 10. |
Hardware Control window(Remote controls) |
Shift + |
Left-click | Big step |
Controls the step size for remote positionner and remote lens controls. Simple click is the smallest steps, then Shift, Ctrl and Ctrl+Shift. *CTRL+SHIFT Focus icons will auto-focus compatible cameras |
Ctrl + | Left-click | Bigger step | ||
Ctrl + Shift + | Left-click | Biggest step | ||
Image (vertical bar) | Right-Click | Show bar options | Lanes, enhance region or adjustments | |
Image | Right-Click | Image pop up | Show pop up with image options, such as print, export, crop | |
Image | Right-Click + Drag | Selection box | Draw a selection box to be used by image pop up | |
Image |
Shift + |
Right-click | Fixed size selection & Image pop up | Automatic selection box based on Fixed size set in Image|Options… |
Image (selection box) | Left-click | Select lines | Select or de-select the lines to print | |
Image | Wheel Up/Dn | Scroll left/right | Scrolls the image to the left/right | |
Image | Shift + | Wheel Up/Dn | Page image left/right | Move image, page by page |
Image | Ctrl + | Wheel Up/Dn | Beginning/end of image | Jump to beginning or end of image |
Image | Shift + | Left-click | Participant list | Show the unevaluated participant list |
Results | Wheel Up/Dn | Scroll results list | Scroll the participant list up/down | |
Results (participant line) | Right-Click | Results pop-up | Show the Status, Precision, Pack Leader pop-up | |
Results (header) | Right-Click | Sort by pop up | Select a field to sort the results list | |
Results (Time field header) | Right-Click | Precision pop up | Set the time precision for all lines | |
Results (Delta Time# header) | Right-Click | Delta time pop up | Configure the delta time parameters | |
Results (Speed Field header) | Right-Click | Speed pop up | Configure the speed units | |
Information (Wind Units field) | Right-Click | Wind Units pop up | Configure the wind units | |
Information (Wind mode field) | Right-Click | Wind mode pop up | Configure the wind mode | |
Information (Laptime field) | Double-click | LapTime pop up | Configure laptime parameters such as offset | |
Information (Camera field) | Double-click | Camera Settings | Open camera settings dialog | |
Information (Camera field) | Right-Click | Image pane selection pop up | Select the location(s) of the image pane for the selected camera | |
Information (Camera mode field) | Right-Click | Mode pop up | Configure the pixel mode | |
All icons | Hover | Status bar | Tool tip appears to explain the current icon |