Record Data
With all systems tested and ready, this stage will record the race data to be evaluated. Verify the event window is armed and ready, then have the starter start a race and follow these steps to capture the image of competitors crossing the finish line.

When the gun fires, the little letter “a” will go away from in front of the event in the Open Event listing, the Running Time Box will turn yellow and the time will start running.

Press the Capture Button to begin capturing image into the selected race. Release it to stop capturing image. Pressing the Capture Button will cause image to appear on the screen - and be stored in the computer’s memory.
It is easy to check whether you are, in fact, taking pictures of a finish - if the window you are capturing into is at the front, the image will appear on the screen in front of you as the button is pressed.

After capturing image, start to Evaluate the Image.