Event Options

Click to select pre-defined layouts for the different Event Window zones.
Information Zone | |
Results Zone | |
Image Zone |

By selecting the Single Event Mode the operator can prevent the software from having more than one event open at a time. This can be useful if there is a chance that there may be confusion about which Event is armed to receive a start signal, or to receive captured image. For this reason, it may be a wise option to use when you are first learning the system.

When ON, new events will be able to manage time trial races. Required the Time Trial (TT) Plug-in.

- None Event templates are not used.
- Always choose When selected and a new event is created, FinishLynx will bring up a dialog for the operator to use the event template to use.
- Default When selected, a new event will use the event template defined in Default Template: (path).
See Templates for details.

Click the Browse... button to select the event template to be used by default.

Defines the proposed name when the event is saved.
- Event Title FinishLynx will use the text in the Event field of the Information Zone.
- Event, Round, Heat Numbers EEE-R-HH.evn.

The user can select the directory where Lynx files for the current competition are stored by default. When used in conjunction with the Backup Directory below it will enable all material from this directory to be backed up to a remote drive for security purposes.

The operator can set a drive and directory - a zip disk for example - to which the FinishLynx files can be backed up. To back up files, select the Backup Events function from the File menu.