Full Screen Mode
To send a FinishLynx image to television or a video board, Full Screen mode is recommended.

- To display an image in full screen mode:
- Click to select an image pane.
- Click Image | Full Screen, or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL-F.
- Use the arrow keys to move the image around on the screen.
- To exit full screen image mode:
- Click the mouse or press any key.

There is a Full screen two mode that displays two images at once.
- Accessing Full screen two mode:
- Click Image from the Menu Bar, and then click to select Full screen mode two.
- Both images appear, separated by a default barrier.
When using this mode, the primary, or bottom, image is chosen. This is the current, or last selected, image pane. The secondary, or top, image is the first image found that is not the primary image.
The secondary image is displayed at a zoom level that matches its frame rate to that of the primary image, so that objects in both images will be the same width. The hash line in the secondary image is displayed at the same time as the hash line in the primary image. Also, the secondary image is shifted horizontally, so that the hash lines line up.
Each image is allocated vertical screen real estate, proportional to its height. There is a special file, FullScreen.tga, which, if present in the Lynx directory, is drawn repeatedly across the screen where the two images meet. The FinishLynx installer includes a sample FullScreen.tga, but can be replaced with any file, or deleted if you do not want any banner displayed.
- Controlling images in full screen mode:
- The arrow keys move the images left, right, up, and down.
- Holding down the 1 key while subsequently holding down an arrow key moves the top image only.
- Holding down the 2 key while subsequently holding down an arrow key moves the bottom image only.
- Holding down the 0 key allows you to again control both images.
- Press the PgUp and PgDn (page up and page down) keys to move the separation between the two images, giving more space to one and less to the other, if both images do not fit entirely on screen vertically.
- To exit full screen mode:
- Press the Esc (escape) key.

The FinishLynx software can smooth out some pixellation by selecting the Smooth Image option from the Image . This option is intended for use when the screen image is being sent to television for transmission before selecting Full Screen mode; in normal use this feature adversely affects the speed with which the screen is redrawn and its usage is not recommended.