Results Production

There are four basic ways to use the FinishLynx system to produce results:
Method 1 |
Without using any database. With this method the operator simply creates a new event file for each race, captures an image of the finish, evaluates it, and manually records the results of each competitor in the Results Zone. |
Method 2 |
At smaller, and slower-paced meets, it is possible to create a “start list” immediately prior to each event. Evaluating the event is simply a matter of matching each competitor in the start list with their position in the image. When the event file is saved the results are available for manual seeding and scoring of the meet. |
Method 3 |
FinishLynx can use Evaluating the event is simply a matter of matching each competitor in the start list with their position in the image. When the event file is saved the results are sent back to the database for automatic scoring, seeding, etc. It is also possible to use this method to produce fully detailed results without a start list on the basis of a single item of information provided by the operator - lane #, ID #, etc. |
Method 4 |
FinishLynx can use a “generic” database set up prior to the meet using “Lynx” data files as detailed in Database Files. Using this method, prior to each event the operator calls up from a previously created file a list of the competitors for the new event. This is called the “start list” and it will be displayed in the Results Zone before any image is even captured. Evaluating the event is simply a matter of matching each competitor in the start list with their position in the image. When the event file is saved the results are available for manual seeding and scoring of the meet. It is also possible to use this method to produce fully detailed results without a start list on the basis of a single item of information provided by the operator - lane #, ID #, etc. |

Here's an overview of the evaluation steps:
Step 1 |
Set the identification method (Lane, License, ID#, or Nothing). |
Step 2 |
Record a time:
Step 3 |
(Repeat step 2, 3 for each competitor). |
Step 4 |
Save the event. |

Learn about the different evaluation steps:
- Identify method FinishLynx can assign times based on different criteria, according to the type of race. See Identification Method for details.
- Record Times The hash line specifies the time-indexed image frame that defines the time. Recording the time links it to a competitor. See Record Times & Save for details.
- Save Save the event files includes saving the image and associated results. See Record Times & Save for details.