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Start Alignment Mode

FinishLynx offers two modes to align EtherLynx cameras:

  • 1-D Align This original alignment mode displays the view of the EtherLynx camera as it will produce photo-finish images, in Line Scan Mode. The Alignment Zone of the Hardware Control window scans through the very thin view of the camera in real-time. It is recommended to use this mode to validate that the alignment is correct, but new users will find the EasyAlign feature to facilitate the process.
  • EasyAlign EtherLynx Vision-Series cameras are able to display a two dimensional (2-D) view of the camera that makes alignment much easier. The goal is to align the green vertical line with the painted finish line and near its front edge.
NOTE: To facilitate the camera alignment when the distance to the computer is great, see HOW TO USE THE Wireless ELECTRONIC VIEWFINDER (Vision PRO X)? available as an option or upgrade on all EtherLynx Vision-Series cameras.



You are here: Get Started > Stage 2: Align > Start Alignment