Result Fields

- To select exactly which fields you want displayed in the FinishLynx Results Zone:
- Click Results | Options… from the Menu Bar.
- Click the up and down arrows to view the full list of fields.
- Click to select the field to add or remove from the Results Zone. It will highlight in blue.
- Click the Enable/Disable button to add or move the field.
- Click Ok when finished.
- Create a new Event to view the changes.

There are three new user defined results fields, called User n, where n = 1-3.
The fields allow you to change the text in the language file to something descriptive, such as phone, email, or owner.
The new user defined fields appear in the following places:
- Results Filter dialog, which you can access by clicking in the Results Zone
- LapTime Results: Key list, which you can access by clicking Options | LapTime, and
- in the Fields: list, which you can access by clicking Options | Results.
If enabled, the new user defined fields appear on the screen and on printouts. They are read in through the database, including the lynx.ppl file, and are written to the lynx.lif file.

You can re-order the results fields, using the new Fields: selector.
- To access and use the new Fields: selector:
- Click Results | Options.... The Options dialog appears.
- Enable or disable a field by clicking to select it, and then click the Enable/Disable button next to the selector.
- Re-order fields by dragging and dropping them to a new location in the list.

The Time field of the Results Zone can be used to type in arbitrary text string.
- Results objects of Status | Valid with text in the time field will be sorted alphabetically after all results with a valid time and will be assigned a Place accordingly.
- Results objects have a different status code (DNS, DQ, etc...), the text in the time field will be used to sort results with the same code.
- For example:
Place | Time |
1 | 15:12.34 |
2 | 15:14.56 |
3 | LAP-1 |
4 | LAP-2 |
4 | LAP-2 |
6 | LAP-3 |
DNF | DNF-1 |
DNF | DNF-3 |

- To select text justification:
- Click Results | Options...
- Click to select the field to set the justification.
- Select the justification method from the drop-down box.
- Justify Left
- Justify Center
- Justify Right

Resizing a results field is much like you would resize a column in Excel.
- To resize one or more of the results fields:
- Move the mouse to the column headers and hover over the line that separates two columns until you see a double arrow.
- Click and drag the column left/right until the field is the preferred width.

Each results text field is limited to 31 characters, except for the Affiliation field which supports 63.