
Clicking on the Results Filters icon will cause the dialog box shown in Results Filters to appear. The results filtering element of FinishLynx is an extremely powerful and useful feature that enables the software to sort, or filter, the finishers in an event.
FinishLynx has the ability to create several sets of results from the same image. We call this feature Result Filtering
Armed with this information, the FinishLynx operator evaluates the image as normal and enters the identification information for each of the competitors in the normal way for ALL the riders in the image. This will produce an unfiltered result board - all the riders from all the categories.
The operator then clicks on the results filter icon. The operator enters the upper and lower defining limits of one of the categories of competitors in this dialog box and the results board will now only show those riders who meet the criteria defined in the filter.
If an offset time is to be used for a category of competitors, it should be entered in the dialog box.
The filters are normally used on the numeric ranges of the results; however, the filter can be used to show the results of all the members of a particular team, or from a particular stable - or even all the finishers in an event from a particular Affiliation. When the filter is being used to define non-numeric fields, the same information needs to be entered in both the upper and lower bounds of the filter.

You can now disable filters in the Result Filters dialog.
- To disable filters:
- Click Results from the Menu Bar and then click Filters... The Result Filters dialog appears.
- Disabled filters appear in gray, and enabled filters are in black.
- A button appears next to the filter list that says either Enable or Disable.
- At the bottom of the dialog, there is a new setting for how many filters can be enabled at the same time. The options are Single and Multiple.
- If Single is selected, then whenever a filter is enabled, all other filters are disabled.
- Multiple allows as many filters to be enabled as you like.

The Result Filters dialog allows you to choose which filters are used when calculating the place field.
Click Results | Filters… to make the Results Filters dialog appear. At the bottom of the dialog are three selections.
- Select the Enabled radio button if you want the place field to be assigned based solely on the visible results with regard to the currently enabled filters.
- Select the None radio button to assign places with no filters defined.
- Select the All radio button to assign places with all filters, even the disabled ones, defined.

- To view this:
- In the Results Zone title bar, click on any column that does not already have a pop-up menu other than Sort by. For example, do not click on Time, Delta Time, or Speed.
- A menu appears containing the defined filters with check marks next to the enabled filters.
- Click to select a filter and enable or disable it.

There is a LIF File Name suffix in the Database Options dialog. Check 'Filters' to append the name of every enabled results filter to the LIF file name.