Photo Eye Capture
FinishLynx can use a beam break from a photo eye connected to the PHOTOEYE A port of the Connection Box to trigger the capture function.

- To set the capture method to Manual:
- Access the Camera Settings.
- Click the Capture tab.
- Click to uncheck other capture methods.
- Click to check the Photo Eye A box.
- Click Ok.

- Connect photo eye to the PHOTOEYE A port of the Connection Box.
- Capture image:
- Create a new Event.
- The Capture icon
shows capture is activated.
- When the photo eye beam is broken FinishLynx will capture image until the beam is no longer broken or the Debounce time, whichever is longer.
NOTE: The Leader/Trailer parameters are applied to photo eye capture.

Learn more about Results Production.

NOTE: When the photo eye triggers capture to start, capture remains on for at least the Photo Eyes: Debounce period before the photo eye signal is checked to see if capture should stop. If you are getting too long of a capture period for the size of your object, then it could be that the debounce is too long. You should not set the debounce any shorter than it takes for the photo eye signal to stop ringing.