Timed Capture
Timed capture can be a useful feature when race times fall within a predictable range, such as in horse or greyhound races. Even the most basic FinishLynx system can be configured to capture image according to a preset schedule. The operator can set the time to begin capturing - expressed as time after the start signal, and the length of time to capture image.

- To set the capture method to Timed:
- Access the Camera Settings.
- Click the Capture tab.
- Click to uncheck other capture methods.
- Click to check the Timed box.
- Click Ok.

- To preset the capture time:
- Create a new Event.
- Click to select the Finish field in the Information Zone. The fields will be highlighted in white.
- Type the desired values in the configuration fields:
- Start - Number of seconds after a Start Signal is received.
- Duration - Number of seconds to capture.
NOTE: When these fields are both left blank then capture will take place the entire time the capture is active.

With the Allow Button Override feature, FinishLynx can still capture image outside the timed capture settings, as long as a camera is set to timed or manual capture.
- To enable Allow Button Override, follow these steps:
- Click File | Options… from the Menu Bar.
- Click to check the Allow button override box.
- Click Ok.
- To configure the capture button or keyboard capture, see Manual Capture.
NOTE: EtherLynx cameras set to ACM remain in ACM.

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