Arming, Re-Arming & Disarming
To Arm an event is to make it ready to receive a start signal.

An event is automatically Armed when an Event Window is created. The Armed indicators allow the operator to confirm an event is armed.

When a false start occurs, or a start signal was sent to test the system, it may be necessary and quicker to re-arm the event instead of closing and creating a new one.
- To re-arm an event:
- Click Event | Arm or CTRL-A.
- The Armed indicators re-appear and the event is ready to receive the next start.

In some cases, it may be useful to disarm an event so start signals are not applied to this event.
- To disarm an event:
- Click Event | Disarm from the Menu Bar.
- The previously armed event becomes disarmed.

Learn how to manage missed starts: Apply Starts.