White List Management

This feature allows you to determine which EtherLynx or IdentiLynx cameras should be loaded by FinishLynx, and which should be ignored. This can be useful in an advanced configuration where it is necessary to run FinishLynx on multiple computers connected to the same network, while keeping control of which PC will try to boot each camera.
- To use White List Management:
- Go to Help | Find Cameras...
- Check the Use White List box. All cameras on the network will be displayed.
- Select the camera(s) that FinishLynx on this computer should boot (or ignore).
- Click Add (or Remove). A "W" will appear to the right of cameras on the white list (or blank if it is not on the white list).

Below is the description of two approaches that might benefit from this feature:
The backup would white list the camera(s) that it uses, so that it would only boot those camera(s). The primary would black list the backup's camera(s), so that it would ignore those cameras but boot anything else that it finds. This gives the primary maximum flexibility to add/exchange cameras (as long as they aren't the backup's cameras). This idea could be extended to more than one backup setup as long
as there is only one primary.
Each setup would white list what it uses. A newly added camera wouldn't be booted by anyone until one of the setups adds it
to its white list. Disabling the checkbox turns off the WL and will normally allow all unbooted cameras to be booted. If you will always be using the WL and don't want disabling it to cause cameras to boot you can "safeguard" against this by putting an asterisk (*) in the BlackList hidden setting (must be the first character). This will match all addresses so that when the WL is disabled all cameras will be black listed. This is useful because you might sometimes want to uncheck and recheck the checkbox to be certain that the WL is "cleared out" and only contains the entries that you select in the dialog. (A camera in the WL that isn't currently in the Find Cameras list is essentially a "hidden" entry.)