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FinishLynx 10.04

What's New

IdentiLynx XR+ Support

Support is added for the IdentiLynx XR+ camera, with motorized lens and auto-focus.

Remote Lens

  • To adjust the motorized lens Simply use the buttons in the remote control panel of the Hardware Control window.
    • Note: The IdentiLynx camera does not offer continuous movement when holding the remote icons.
  • To use the auto-focus Hold the Ctrl + Shift keys and click the Focus Near or Focus Far buttons.
    • Note: The focus icons will change during auto-focus operations - .


Remote Control Enhancements

The step size of remote lens and positioner controls can now be modified by holding certain keys while clicking the buttons in the remote control panel of the Hardware Control window.

  • From smallest to largest step size:
  1. Left-click
  2. Shift + Left-click
  3. Ctrl + Left-click
  4. Ctrl + Shift + Left-click
TIP: Hover over any of the remote lens or positioner icons to see the Tools Tips in the Help Zone (bottom left) explaining the different step sizes.


ADVANCED - Other Settings

Additional Other settings are included:

  • Language\Reset Determines whether certain Special Lengths and/or Event Layouts are reset when the language is changed.
  • Event\Start\Ignore Allows the user to specify how many starts should be ignored before the event accepts a start. When >0, the "a" in the Event Listing is replaced by a digit to indicate how many starts will be ignored. Re-arming the event will cycle through the possible ignore values.
  • Hardware\Ethernet\EqualTime Used to allocate more image transfer time to faster cameras.
  • Hardware\Ethernet\IdentiLynx\ResetIPAddr Resets the IdentiLynx camera IP back to after booting to avoid the camera locking onto the currently assigned number.
  • Hardware\Focus\ReportFPS New value of -1 will display the image transfer time in the focus indicator.
TIP: These advanced settings are for experienced users only. For more information on how to access these settings, please contact our support team.


You are here: What's New > Archive > FinishLynx 10.04