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FinishLynx 8.20 Release Notes

New general features

Aspect ratio control

The aspect ratio control can be used to indicate the effective frame rate of displayed EtherLynx images. By default, the edit box displays the camera frame rate which indicates no aspect ratio change. Entering a different frame rate will cause the image aspect ratio to change by modifying the vertical dimension. This can be useful to adjust the look of an image captured at a frame rate a little too fast or too slow before displaying the image on a video board for example.

NOTE: You can also specify the zoom level to apply to the vertical dimension by appending % to the number. For example, entering '200%' will double the height of the image (the equivalent of halving the frame rate).
NOTE: Alternatively, entering a number with 'h' appended creates the effective frame rate by stretching or compressing horizontally. Entering a number with 'H' appended means to zoom horizontally by that percentage.


Scrolling improvements

You can now use the mouse scroll wheel on scrollable elements in FinishLynx. For simple lists, it will move up and down. For image windows, it moves the image backwards and forwards.


RadioLynx ID for Time Trial plug-in

The RadioLynx ID (bib number) field sent by newer EncRadios is now used to fill in the start's ID field when in Time Trial Mode.


Lynx Wind Gauge

The new Lynx wind gauge is now supported in FinishLynx. This wind gauge can display the wind direction.


Import ReacTime data directly from the Command Center

You can now import reaction times directly from the command center via a serial port.

  • Serial Port settings: 19200, 8, N, 1


Scoreboard Improvements

New scoreboard script

The following scoreboard script is now included:

  • uGraphLED.lss


Auto break improvement

Scoreboard running time Auto Break has been enhanced to allow one action (Pause or Finish) to happen when capturing, and the other when not capturing.


LapTime improvements

Microgate LinkPod support

Support for the Microgate LinkPod is added to the LapTime device list.

  • To configure LinkPod as a LapTime device:
  1. Specify the camera port that the LinkPod is attached to on the RadioLynx tab of the Camera Settings
  2. Create a LinkPod object in the LapTime|Options dialog
  3. Instead of specifying the Serial Port: enter the LinkPod Address (0-15)


Chronelec device status

The Chronelec LapTime module will now request and report the decoder's status (noise and threshold for loops 1 and 2).



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