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FinishLynx 10.03

What's New

RadioLynx Performance Information

FinishLynx Quick Info displays the number of attempts the latest RadioLynx signal was sent by the transmitter before it was received. When the transmission is strong and clear, a low Packet number will be displayed.

  • To view the RadioLynx performance:
  1. Configure RadioLynx and send a signal.
  2. Look at the bottom left corner of the window, in the Help Zone of the Status Bar.
  3. The Quick Info reads: "RadioLynx: <Start or Photoeye> <Id> Packet #"
  • The number (#) represents how many times the signal was sent before it was received by FinishLynx (up to 16 for a long transmission).

NOTE: The Help Zone will display a Camera name or Tool Tips if the mouse hovers over an image pane or an icon. Simply move the mouse to view the RadioLynx Quick Info.


LapTime Offset

The LapTime Module can be configured with a preset time offset. This offset can be used to adjust the times reported by an external LapTime device to match the official times produced by an EtherLynx camera.

  • To use a LapTime offset:
  1. Click LapTime | Options... from the Menu Bar.
  2. Enter a value in the Time Offset: field (hh:mm:ss.ddd).
  3. Click Ok.
  • The Time Offset: is added to split times for the selected device.

TIP: The offset can also be configured in the LapTime settings dialog. Select the LapTime line in the Information Zone and click Event | Get Info...


Lynx LapTime Protocol Update

The Lynx LapTime protocol has been updated to allow the use of Event, Round and Heat information. If this information is included in the data from the LapTime device, then LapTime data will be directed to the matching open FinishLynx event, regardless of the event with current LapTime focus.

This can be useful in rowing, canoe or kayak for example. When multiple races are on the water at the same time and multiple event windows are opened in the main FinishLynx computer, splits will flow to the right event without the need to verify that the LapTime current event is correctly set.

NOTE: An exact match is needed between the Event, Round, Heat information sent by the LapTime device and the FinishLynx event. Otherwise the split information is discarded.
TIP: When FinishLynx is used as the LapTime device, the new LapTime_ERH.lss script should be used if this new feature is required.


LapTime Device Update

The LapTime Device drop-down list is updated:

  • TAGHeuer CP540 is renamed TAGHeuer THCOM08.


Wide Pixel Modes

EtherLynx Vision PRO cameras support additional Pixel Modes (Wide 50%, 33% and 25%).

  • To change the Pixel Mode:
  1. Access the Camera Settings for an EtherLynx Vision PRO.
  2. Click to select the radio button next to the preferred Pixel Mode:.
  3. Adjust the Frame Height: to allowable values.
  4. Click Ok.

Black Level Control

EtherLynx Vision PRO cameras offer a Black Level setting that controls the level of brightness of the darkest part of the image. Increasing this value can improve the dynamic range, but decreases color saturation and adds noise to the dark part of the image. Decreasing this value can improve color saturation, but may lead to low dynamic range and excessive contrast.

  • To change the Black Level:
  1. Access the Camera Settings for an EtherLynx Vision PRO.
  2. Click the Setup Tab .
  3. Type in a new Black Level: value (range -50 to 50).
  4. Click Ok.


Remote Focus

New F-mount adapters for EtherLynx Vision PRO cameras are available for sale and offer remote focus control for Nikon lenses with a built-in focus motor (AF-S and AF-P models).


Scoreboard Scripts

Four new scripts have been added for the Video Display Module (VDM):

  • VDMPlaceNameTime.lss

  • VDMPlaceNameAffiliationTime.lss

  • VDMPlaceLaneAfflAbrvTime.lss

  • VDMPlaceAffiliationTime.lss

One new script added for the Daktronics T2022:

  • DakMDP_TI2022.lss

One new script added to use FinishLynx as a LapTime device to support the optional Event, Round and Heat information added the latest Lynx LapTime Protocol:

  • LapTime_EHR.lss

One script has been renamed:

  • TAG_HL985.lss is renamed TAGHeuer THDIS08.lss

Language Files

The German (de_DE.lng) language file has been updated.


FinishLynx Offline Manual

The FinishLynx Online Manual is now available to install locally and launch from within FinishLynx.

  • To install the FinishLynx Offline Manual:
  1. Go to Help | Contents.
  2. Click on the link to download the installer.
  3. Run the FinishLynx-Help.exe installer and follow the prompts.
NOTE: The Offline Manual does not have its own uninstaller. When you uninstall FinishLynx, the Offline Manual will also be removed. If you install FinishLynx over a previous FinishLynx installation that had the Offline Manual already installed, then the previous Offline Manual will remain.
  • To view the FinishLynx Offline Manual:
  1. Go to HelpContents.
  2. The default browser will open the Offline Manual.
NOTE: The FinishLynx Offline Manual is updated with each new version of FinishLynx. After installation, an Internet connection is not required to view the content. To access the latest updates, go online and visit:



Additional Other settings are included:

  • Event\StatusFlags Optional colored squares available in the Information Zone to indicate scoreboard (purple) and LapTime (teal) use.

  • Event\NextEvent Controls which event gets capture, scoreboard and LapTime focus when the current event is closed. The Legacy option, the default value, maintains the behavior from previous FinishLynx versions. Options to use the newest or oldest opened event are now available.
  • Event\ShowEvent Controls which event is displayed when the current event is closed. The Legacy option, the default value, maintains the behavior from previous FinishLynx versions, which is the most recently used event. Options to show the capture event, scoreboard event or either (capture if it exists, otherwise scoreboard) are added.
TIP: These advanced settings are for experienced users only. For more information on how to access these settings, please contact our support team.


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