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FinishLynx 10.10

What's New

Vision-Series Camera Firmware

This version of FinishLynx includes a firmware upgrade for Vision (5L500) and Vision PRO (5L600) cameras. The upgrade will be done automatically the first time these cameras are booted when running FinishLynx 10.10 and takes an additional 2-5 minutes per camera. During the upgrade process, never turn off or disconnect the camera.

Status Bar during upgrade

NOTE: Vision-Series cameras update their firmware as defined by the FinishLynx version used to boot the cameras. If after updating with version 10.10, a camera is booted on a computer with an older version of FinishLynx, the camera will load that older firmware and will require an update to the latest version yet again the next time 10.10 is used.
TIP: We recommend updating all FinishLynx computers and upgrading all cameras at home or the office before an event day to avoid delays at critical times.


Internal RadioLynx

Vision-Series cameras now offer the Internal RadioLynx option (contact our sales team for a quote). Instead of connecting the RadioLynx Receiver (DecRadio) to the camera or C-Box, simply connect an antenna directly to the camera back panel.

  • To configure the Internal RadioLynx:
  1. Select a camera with Internal RadioLynx in the Hardware Control window.
  2. Click to access the Camera Settings.
  3. Click the RadioLynx tab.
  4. Click Internal for the Port:.
  5. Select the Frequency that matches the RadioLynx Transmitter (EncRadio).
NOTE: Each digit of the Frequency (left to right - 0=OFF; 1=ON) match a DIP switch (1 to 4) on the RadioLynx Transmitter (EncRadio). For example, setting the DIP switches 1=OFF, 2=OFF, 3=OFF, 4=ON is the same as selecting 0001.


Camera Network Selection

FinishLynx can be configured to exclusively monitor a specific Network Interface Card (NIC) to load cameras. This feature allows users to easily work with a computer that has multiple network cards enabled. By default, FinishLynx will set a NIC with as the camera network.

  • To manually select the Camera Network:
  1. Go to File|Options...
  2. Click the Camera Network: drop-down of the General tab and select the IP address of the NIC used to connect cameras.
  3. Click Ok.
  4. Restart FinishLynx and reboot cameras.

NOTE: Select <not specified> to disable this feature and return to the old behavior.


Video Display Module (VDM) Rotation

Support to rotate the VDM output is included in the Scoreboard|Options dialog when a scoreboard object with a VDM script is selected.

TIP: Add an additional argument to the end of the Display Defaults line on the first row of a VDM scoreboard script to set the rotation automatically. A value of 0=off, 1=Left and 2=Right. ; Display Defaults: 800,600,0,0,1 would rotate the output to the left.


Scoreboard Scripts

  • Dak-Extended.lss replaces DakRTDExtended.lss

  • Gill_E4982x.lss add to support displaying wind readings on the Gill Countdown Timer.
  • Gill 6 Digit.lss has been updated to include a Results section.
  • Example2.lss has been updated to include about sections used in Raw vs Normal mode for running time.


ADVANCED - Other Settings

Additional Other settings are included:

  • Event\Results\Delta\SkipSame Causes results with the same time to be skipped over when calculating the delta time.
  • Hardware\Ethernet\EqualTime now defaults to 100, giving all cameras equal time to transfer image. This allows faster cameras to transfer their image more efficiently when used on the same network as older and slower cameras.
  • Hardware\Ethernet\BindIPAddress allows to specify the NIC used to connect to cameras.

  • Hardware\Ethernet\IdentiLynx\CacheSize now defaults to 100MB (100000000 bytes).
TIP: These advanced settings are for experienced users only. For more information on how to access these settings, please contact our support team.


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