FinishLynx 8.03 Release Notes
LapTime plug-in improvements
New TagHeuer CP 540 LapTime device
The TagHeuer CP 540 is now support. This device communicates via RS232 or Ethernet connections.
- RS232 - 9600, 8, N, 1
- Ethernet - Network (Connect) - Port 7000
Automatic TCP port number
LapTime devices that have a standard TCP or UPD port number now have that port automatically filled in when the LapTime device and Serial Port: Network (Connect/Listen/UPD) is selected.
Scoreboard Improvements
New scoreboard script fields
There are two new scoreboard field:
- \14\13 – 'From Image' Cumulative Split time report the most recent split time that came from the image
- \14\14 - 'From Image' Window number field which reports which window number the 'From Image' Cumulative Split time came from and can be used to request image through the Remote Control Interface from the correct image window.
NOTE: These features are intented to help integrate Chronelec systems with FinishLynx.
New scoreboard scripts
The following scoreboard script is now included:
- Gill 6 Digit.lss